Ist dieser Verbrauch normal? Ich bin ratlos, Leute. Ich habe in einer 29 m3 großen Wohnung gelebt und viele Wochen im Ausland verbracht, und mein Vermieter sagte mir, ich schulde ihm 1295 € für meine Nebenkosten!!!!! Ich habe alleine in einer 29 m3 großen Wohnung gelebt, wie ist das möglich 😭😭😭
Von Moonie_58631
Don’t you pay a monthly charge to be substracted from this?
What does your contract say for those services ?
0.42€ per unit, which is probably a kWh, is what I payed for electricity in 2023. But next to your rent you should also pay 100-150€ for shared costs like cleaning the common area’s (hallway etc) and your utility cost. I’ve never had that excluded from the monthly rent. What does your contract say?
Is this a end of the year bill? How much did you pay per month and for how long.
What does your contract say about fhe charges?
You mention paying 50 eur a month, but for what?
This says that your meters indicate you had a total consumption of 950€ in your apartment.
This is not outstandingly high, although quite high, but people who put the heater on 22 or more could have something like that.
But this is less than 1300€ that the landlord asks for. And if you subtract the 600€ you already paid, there’s only 350€ left to pay.
How much are the other utilities ? Do they amount to around a 1000€ ?
Talk to the Huurdersbond!