Australien erlebt mit brutalen 41,5 Grad den höchsten Winter seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen


  1. FishingRelative3517 on

    misleading click bait again, winter is mostly in the southern part of the continent…

  2. ImNotHandyImHandsome on

    As a Canadian, this title leaves me confused and infuriated

  3. padishaihulud on

    I was thinking of traveling to that area to see the June 2028 eclipse. 

    Maybe that’s not such a good idea. 

  4. Is it werid that i dont find this brutal? Been worse then that all sommer

  5. dyslexicmikld on

    Seriously terrible reporting! Although it’s technically winter, the north of Australia is tropical and dry at this time. These types of temperatures aren’t uncommon.

  6. zombieking079 on

    Ask Rupert Murdoch if he still thinks global warming is a hoax.

  7. The furthest northern parts of Australia are in the tropics and dont really get ‘winter’ in a seasonal sense. It’s basically a wet season followed by a dry season on a 6 month repeat

  8. Adorable_Chicken_258 on

    I think they have a different definition of ‘winter’

  9. hypercomms2001 on

    Not In Melbourne where I live… it was bloody cold, freezing winter.. central Australia, yes, but is a desert there…

  10. I live in Mesa Arizona I’ve seen it get up to 102 in December God I don’t want that to start happening here you really have to get climatized to live in this city.

  11. GondorsAide on

    As an Australian…..nah but yeah?

    If you’re going off a specific part of Australia (the north) sure it’s hot a.f. Always.

    As someone in the south, it’s been warmer the past week, which is a bit earlier, but outside of that it’s still cold a.f.

  12. natuurlijkmooi on

    If they are not using degrees Celsius they really should specify.

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