Was ist Ihre Meinung zu den Uiguren


Von RyanGosling_az


  1. The Uyghurs are disappearing silently, the Chinese government is carrying out a planned genocide and the world does not care, this genocide is not because they are Muslims, they are dying just because they are Turks, I hope that a good evacuation plan will come out and the surviving Uyghurs will be distributed to the Turkic states, China has now started to confiscate Uyghur real estate, even breaking its own laws. The names of Uyghur villages, towns and small cities have been changed.

    I don’t know what will happen next, but there is a new Crimea or a new Balkan drama ahead of us.

  2. Uyghurs are suppressed by the Chinese. They will disappear just like Tibetians.

  3. SteamSaltConcentrate on

    To give the best definition:

    A soon to be extinct Turkic ethnic group that is rapidly dying out due to brutal oppression and genocide only comparable to what the Nazis have done, which clearly needs our help to preserve itself and keep living on, not just as a few historical artifacts, but as a culture, a language, a land, a people and a history. They are our brothers and sisters, it is our job to help them, yet they seem to largely be forgotten by the world and sadly, also by us, their literal people.

  4. murad_the_comrade95 on

    One more evidence to answer why the human rights and freedom of expression is important

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