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Martha Louise and Durek Verrett are unsettling high society with pseudoscience and odd claims — including that he was a pharaoh in a past life. But plenty of people will likely be trying to ignore the high profile wedding.
Princess Martha Louise is an exception to the understated traditions of the monarchy, and Durek Verrett is a Californian conspiracy theorist and self-declared shaman, or “spiritual guide”, who claims not to be human and professes that he can reverse ageing by “turning atoms”.
So which camp do you fall into? Following it closely, or ignoring the upcoming nuptials?
If you’re interested, this feature has more information about the pair, the wedding and the celebrity guest list. [https://www.thetimes.com/world/us-world/article/the-princess-and-the-shaman-royal-wedding-divides-norway-z2qdq9mnr](https://www.thetimes.com/world/us-world/article/the-princess-and-the-shaman-royal-wedding-divides-norway-z2qdq9mnr)
Most people here don’t care about the wedding at all.
It’s not a royal wedding, as none of these people are actually royals. She is the daughter of our King, but she has given up her princess title.
But, their wedding still annoy me, because that guy is a quack who sells fake remedies to stupid people.
It’s not. Neither royal, nor dividing Norway.
I don’t think it’s precise to say that the wedding itself is dividing Norway. I think most Norwegians see both of them as pretty ridiculous figures. After all, the stuff Martha Louise believes in is no less bonkers than the stuff Durek Verrett says.
One dividing line might however be the conclusions some people draw regarding the monarchy because of the marriage.
Nope, don’t think so.
If she’s happy, then I am happy for her.
For it to be dividing the country there would have to be people who are very supportive… haven’t seen a single person announce that they’re looking forward to it (Maybe one but they did not appear to be Norwegian and had no clue what was even going on and thought Durek had any sort of claim to the Norwegian throne…) Most people don’t care. The ones that do dislike both of them.
They’re also not royals so… why would we care? (Heck being too invested in royal weddings is kinda silly too in my opinion…)
Not really. Everyone thinks it’s ridiculous.
A scam-artist marrying a con-man claiming to be reptilian, how could that possibly have a negative effect on the populus’ opinion of the monarchy?
Include the latest stories of drugs and violence in the family and it seems they are doing a speed-run to a republic way of governance.
Not royal wedding as mentioned by others, but we’re kinda united in this front. A charlatan marries another charlatan. Nothing to see here.
Don’t see much of a “divide”.
Most people I see or hear talking about it dislike both the event and the couple.
I’m just looking forward to the inevitable scandalous and high-profile divorce.
Litteraly dont give a shit.
The royal family is a joke anyways.
It’s not royal
I dont care, and also they aren’t royals. I just hope no tax payer money goes into this.
Nah. They’re just goofy who cares.