Die Russen werden bald lernen, „Palyanytsya“ auszusprechen – die neue Drohne mit Düsenantrieb der Ukraine



  1. Lunar-Lancer- on

    Curious to see how Russia will respond to this new development the stakes keep getting higher

  2. Ah, and it’s almost baking season. I’ll have to make a loaf in its honor.

  3. What is the difference between this “drone” and a cruise missile like the jet powered tomahawk?

  4. From the article:

    >The choice of Palyanytsya as the name for the UAV showsthat someone has a sense of humor. It is the name of a traditional, round, hearth-baked wheat bread often eaten for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

    >It is also a word that many Russians struggle to pronounce correctly and a way to identify Russian saboteurs. It was also said to have become a frequent password at roadblocks and check points.

  5. How-about-democracy on

    Send Trump to Russia. Maybe he can find ways to help Putin’s troops rape Ukrainian kids!

  6. forestapee on

    Ukraine building new terrifying weapons, then using them in practical applications during wartime vs Russia claiming they have new modern gear that can defeat anything but it all gets blown up instead

  7. oknowyoudont on

    Such sensationalism it’s grotesque. Yeah probably but this title even sounds like a semi-educated English-speaking Russian wrote it

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