Im Grunde Eigentumstitel. Miete eine Wohnung in Flandern. War weg, ging ins Badezimmer und sah das. Der Nachbar unten hörte die Explosion und sah, dass ich nicht zu Hause war. Ich habe nur die Grundfeuerversicherung. Wer trägt die Kosten, der Vermieter oder ich?

Von X108CrMo17


  1. Piemel-Kaas on

    You? Even if you were home it broke while you are renting.

    Also how does this break at random?

  2. smokysquirrels on

    Read your fire insurance again. Most include indoor glass breaking.

    Otherwise, cost will be for you, unless you can prove it is an installation error.

  3. How does that spontaneously break? It’s very unlikely that your landlord will be paying for this.

    – seems like such glass doors do break spontaneously after all!

  4. Goldentissh on

    You contact your insurance. Option 1, they cover it, option 2 you contact your legal assistance insurance and you let them solve it.

  5. AlbaniaBaby on

    Comments in here are unbelievably dumb. Please contact huurdersbond or woonloket with your questions. You should only pay for small repairs, the rest is on the landlord.

  6. Which position were you in when this happened? It must have been steamy.

  7. joyofpeanuts on

    The landlord is responsible for repairs; the renter is responsible for ordinary maintenance.
    So the landlord in this case. Especially if you can prove that you were not there when it happened.

  8. Stravlovski on

    I feel most people are forgetting step one: contact your landlord and explain. Tell them you will check with your insurance as well. From experience I know many landlords are reasonable when it comes to these things.

  9. Innocuous_Ioseb on

    Had the exact same thing happen, landlord sent a guy who installed a new one wrong, broke as he was demonstrating he was done, landlord sends a second guy, didn’t pay for anything. Damn I’m glad to have bought my own place since.

  10. Silvergator73 on

    Yes…insurance (of Renter in this case if you are not owner).

  11. That may be an instalation issue so contact your landlord to know which contractor putted it.
    But I’d say if you didn’t hit it or if there wasn’t any crack then it shouldn’t be your responsability.
    But you can consult your insurance in doubt.

  12. As a tenant, you are liable for any glass breakage, unless you can prove the contrary.

    Report it to your fire insurance company and they will do the rest.
    In the worst case, you only have your own risk (franchise, vrijstelling) that you have to pay (around 320 euro at the moment).

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