Tourist hier. Warum sind Schotterstraßen in Österreich für das Radfahren VERBOTEN?

Von Automatic_Use_444


  1. Classic_South_5374 on

    Auf Forststaßen kann der Waldbesitzer das Befahren mit Kraftfahrzeugen und/oder auch Fahrrädern und Mountainbikes untersagen.

    Zu Fuss den Wald betreten ist jedoch erlaubt.

  2. It’s an old conflict between forest owners (forests are, unfortunately, majorily privately owned in Austria), who are also technically liable for any damages ensuing from at least grossly negligent lack of maintenance on the roads, and… pretty much everyone else. There have been initiatives to extend the existing legal right to use forests for recreation (no matter if publicly or privately owned) to cycling, rather than it being limited to walking, hiking, … only. These initatives haven’t been successful yet, though.

  3. Particular-Bat-5904 on

    Its an insurance thing. In case you get hurt, the owner may be responsible for it, getting a punishment.

    When id*ots walk their dogs through cow herds, its also the farmer facing court if something goes wrong.

    Well, i call it stupid. You should be allowed to ride on your own responsibillity.

  4. WomBat1140 on

    This is and will be always a problem with …. i understand both sides, but as already said – it´s all about money / insurance and so on. Stupid law …

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