Dies ist ein Ersatzteil für eine Bosch-Spülmaschine. Er hat es gekauft und dachte, es wäre kleiner. Mein Freund sieht aus wie ein Mann aus dem Nahen Osten, wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass sie ihn verarschen?
Von ChannelLegitimate483
“It’s just a clock”
Checked baggage or carryon?
I’d guess having the manual with him, where it is explained that he is carrying a dishwasher spare part would be good thing to do.
Unless it has some sort of battery inside, it should be fine.
Put it in the original wrap, if it is just a brown box make a note on it with the manufacturer, the machine this is a sparepart and the sparepart number. With this they can easy identify the object and will not execute your boyfriend immediately on the landingfield.
Ohh and of course not hand baggage.
In Berlin? Should not be a problem as long it follows the luggage rules (no battery in checked baggage and stuff). Why would it be a problem?
My mother brought much larger car spare parts regularly (steering wheel, door panels, door hinges, etc. All for personal use, and we even went to customs with it to apply VAT refund).
Arriving in Egypt, I don’t know.