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I can, but fuck no i will not😭😭😭
I don’t know why I bothered, but here you go. I transcribed, but the translation is A.I.:
**Interviewer:** I’m at a picnic with two of the guys from Mayhem, two hours before they go on stage; Blasphemer and Maniac. Let’s start with Blasphemer: First and foremost, are you a Satan band? **Blasphemer (B):** We’re not a Satan band. Mayhem has never been politically or religiously oriented. **Interviewer (I):** What do you call yourselves then? **B:** We’re Blackmetal, in opposition to society. **I:** Entirely? **B:** Yes, mostly. And humanity. **I:** What are you most focused on opposing? **Maniac (M):** Well, it varies, but on our latest album, it was mostly Christianity in the first part. Because I believe that Christianity might be the biggest lie ever imposed on humanity. **I:** Most people who oppose things stop after puberty because they realize there’s not much they can do, not much room for change. **B:** One thing is that after Blackmetal became commercial, a lot of bands just wanted to ride that wave and take advantage of it. But there are genuine souls out there, and Mayhem is definitely one of those bands. **M:** So what you’re saying is that if people stop opposing things after puberty, in plain words, they stop thinking after puberty. And that’s pretty crappy! (laughs). **I:** Not much you can do about it, right? (difficult to hear what she says) **M:** No, I hope I never stop. Always pushing the boundaries. **I:** Do you guys ever have fun? **B:** Never fun. We’re miserable. Do we look like we’re having fun?! **I:** (Laughs) Yes. **B:** No, of course we have fun. We’ve traveled a lot, and sometimes fun things happen, naturally. **I:** What’s the most fun thing you do? **B:** The most fun? **I:** Or the most memorable experience you’ve had? **B:** Well, it’s definitely cool to travel around the world and play for fans who are 100% dedicated to you and your music. Absolutely. It’s awesome. So… (thumbs up) **I:** So you’re kind of like the Jesus of the Blackmetal scene? **B:** Yeah, in a way, a sort of savior. **I:** And that must feel a bit strange! **M:** What do you mean? **I:** That you’re saviors for the Blackmetal scene! **M:** Hahaha! No, don’t use that word. It’s completely wrong. But (laughs)… **I:** Have another strawberry. **B:** No. **I:** Yes. **B:** Alright then. I’ll take the biggest one. **I:** Should I serve it? **B:** Yes, go ahead. No, no, no. **I:** You know, if people are there, enjoying your music… Oh, here comes one of your biggest fans, Alex Rosén. **B:** Alex Rosén, yes. **I:** Alex, get lost! This is my interview! **B:** We’re so tired of hearing the same story about Greven and Øystein Aarseth and all that crap. We’ve been done with that for eight years! Damn it, I mean, it’s time to move forward, to think beyond. It seems like the only reason the media writes about us is all the catastrophes that happened, and now we… **I:** There have been quite a few disasters though. **B:** Yes, there have, but as I said, it’s been a long time. They haven’t written anything about the new things we’ve done musically, and that annoys us. **I:** (Terje) Haakonsen got snowboard ice cream. Do you think Mayhem could get a “Not-Fun” juice? **M:** It would definitely have to taste horribly! **B:** Wouldn’t that be something? Pig’s blood flavor? That would be great! **I:** Well, thank you to the tough guys here. And this has actually been incredibly pleasant, guys! **B:** (Flips the finger) **I:** No, it really has been! **B:** Yeah, yeah…