Kann mir jemand erklären, warum Krankenhäuser nicht einfach eine Abbrechen-Schaltfläche hinzufügen können? 😂


    Von sanandrios


    1. TooLateQ_Q on

      Because then you would cancel.

      Also, there is no need to generalise. It’s just this hospital.

    2. It’s just a small hurdle to keep you from cancelling.

      Must stress out people with high social anxiety:

      “I’m stressed so badly because I have to go to the doctors. But to cancel, I must call them, and calling also causes high anxiety”

    3. Omnia_Noexi on

      My guess would be regulation. Applications containing patient data have to check so many boxes before getting the OK, which usually means longer development, more expensive etc… not always worth the investment.

    4. BrokeButFabulous12 on

      I think its to discourage the people from overbooking. If you can book and cancel willy nilly, there will be people buying several slots and then canceling, leaving only the one that suits them. This way you are “sort of” motivated to get it in the first one. Aint nobody wants to hear the complaints when you call them to cancel =D

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