5 Helfer von World Central Kitchen wurden durch israelischen Angriff in Gaza getötet. Irischer Staatsbürger unter den Toten.


Von Bleckno1


  1. Not only is our government lacking in taking direct action against the Israel genocide (kick out the ambassador for starters) but a sizeable chunk of our people are also either ambivalent or even hostile to the thought of aiding the Palestinians.

    I’m a regular participant in a weekly protest that aims to garner support for the call for an immediate ceasefire, and the amount of middle finger type gestures from passing motorists is disheartening to say the least…

  2. N0lAnS_DiC_piX on

    Jesus it kills me to think we are living through this and powerless to stop it.

    Always remember thinking when I was younger ‘why didn’t anyone stop the nazis’.

    The simple fact is you can’t stop that sort of power unless a bigger power decides to.

    Fuck Israel, fuck netenyahu, fuck Hamas. And fuck the yanks, the brits and the Saudis too.

  3. WhileCultchie on

    “mOSt MorAl ARmY iN tHe WoRlD”

    Honestly don’t care about the repercussions at this stage anymore, expel that absolute ghoul in Ballsbridge.

  4. BingoBongoIRL on

    Netenyahu is a piece of shit. It’s a pity he pulled through his hernia surgery.

    Fucking prick, dragging out the conflict to stay in power.

  5. Onlineonlysocialist on

    That’s terrible, and they just bombed an Iranian diplomat in Syria as well. Sanctions need to be brought on Israel immediately.

  6. Ambitious_Handle8123 on

    Unfortunate for Zionists having recently threatened us over possible sanctions against Israel

  7. More_Glass_8604 on

    Can the government now finally expel the Israeli embassador and cut all ties and trade with Israel, please?
    We should have done this long ago. Now they have literally killed one of our citizens.

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