Nadiya Petrunovska – die Beerdigung für sie wird in ihrer Heimat und Stadt stattfinden.


  1. Gilligan67 on

    Rest in peace brave warrior.

    All gave some. Some gave all!

    Heroyam Slava!

  2. Cool-Drummer3312 on

    May Russia be brought to justice for all the damage and hurt it has caused and may it never be forgotten.


  3. These pictures of young ladies that have been killed really tear me up. I have 2 grown daughters and simply can’t imagine her losing her life at the hands of barbarians. Call me sexist if you’d like, but I hope that it’s Orcs X100, or 1,000. I better stop typing.

  4. Dr_Alan_Squirrel on

    So many beautiful Ukrainians dying. Putin needs to be hauled out of his home and hanged asap.

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