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Pse nder te gjitha grupet fetare vetem kto ALBANOFOBET e ndjejne veten te sulmuar?
S’kam ngju kurre Katolike e Ortodokse te kene probleme me Albanizmin…
Mos ndoshta sepse Krishterimi si doktrine teologjike nuk ka perplasje me gjuhen dhe kulturen e nje populli, ndersa ALBANOFOBET e kane pjese te doktrines teologjike kushtezimin e gjuhes dhe kultures se nje populli?
Albanizmit nuk I iken kurre koha, eshte shtylla qe na mban te bashkuar nder shekuj, kundrejt cdo teologjie e filozofie qe eshte kalimtare ne kto troje.
Kush ka probleme me Albanizmin eshte ALBANOFOB dhe nuk eshte I mirepritur nder ne.
Kembet ne krah andej nga ka ardhur!
Shume mire, robt atij 10%
Albanian before anything. Feja Shqiptarit o Shqiperija.
Islam was forced upon us, it was never natural for us to become muslims
feja e shqiptarit esht shqiptaria ska lidhje fare me nje fe specifike xhanem as kundra fes nuk esht thjesht thot qe prioritet ka populli jon e jo te ndahemi sipas feve
i love the fact that albanians don’t care about religions! religion destroys humanity. also people should stop conpaeing us with arabs. we have nothing in common with them only the religion.
Po normal qe na jena ndryshe prej kurdve e palestinezve,nacionaliteti na ka ja rujt gjuhen,ekzistencen se sa per fe tash na ishim ose turq ose arab.
I totally agree with that. I’m an atheist and the reason why I sound as pro-islam is because of this shit
Someone wrote “Islam was forced upon us, it was never natural for us to become muslims”
And christianity wasn’t? So it is natural to believe in a made up religion as long as it is not Islam. Why?
And “Feja shqiptarit o shqiptaria” was said by christians as well. Fan Noli and the rest were christians. They didn’t burn their churches because “Feja shqiptarit o shqiptaria”
I think we are anti-muslim because we like to be seen as licking the western ass. They started this hate
Some crazy thing is saying Albanians “originally were christians by choice” – see? We deny parts of our real history as long as we sound western.
Islam isn’t pro-nationalism, which Christianity offers. I think the answer is very clear which one to choose.
Ku e gjete ket blog?
Who wrote this article?
>it attacks the muslim albanian way of being
You mean drinking raki and eating pork? 🤣
Shqiptaria e para feja e dyta ose fare. Per ne eshte e rendsishme ta dime shqiptarine se jemi popull i vogel dhe si i tille shum lehte te asmiliueshem sic jane munduar nder shekuj dhe ja kan dale pjeserisht. Identitetin kombtar dhe traditat e lashta per shqiptarin jane me te rendsishem sesa feja sepse kane qene pikerisht ruajtja e ketyre traditave qe jemi ktu ku jemi po te ishte per fe do ishim turk grek ose serb
First of all Iwlam came like every other abrahamic religion, through an foreign empire. Second of all, of course Albanians are more nationalisitc than some muslim countries from Asia as Albania is european and Europe itself is the birthplace nationalism.Â
« Malign purposes » being having a national identity which supersedes religious divisions. I think I’ll be malign, thank you.
Je gabim ne artikulim, qeto gabime jon ka na shkaktojn dam ani pse asnjoni sjeni figur publike.
Nuk e di nese e pate me qellim, apo pahiri kur e permende islamofobine, se ktu spo shoh kurgja si islamofobi. Perkundrazi, feja duhet me u nda si qeshtje personale, pajtohna 100% me ket shkrim
How is everyone here saying islam came here the same way as Christianity? Islam was forced here with centuries of jizya , child abduction, massacres ect ect by the ottoman empire . While Christianity was spread by people who were killed and tortured for centuries by pagans all over Europe. The first Christian emperor of Rome was an illyrian from kosovo and you “historians” here say that Rome brought Christianity by force in illyria 🤣
We should really stop fighting over which Bronze Age cult we belong to. We as a collective dont belong to any religion, you as an individual do. Stop imposing your belief on others, and dont accept other people imposing their belief unto you. Peace
Ka ndonje problem ketu?
I gjithe opinioni eshte shkruar si nje operacion psikologjik i shteteve armike. Mjer ata qe i lexojne keto edhe i besojne.
Me literally just existing as a atheist albanian is islamaphobic on these people look islamists are atacking the ide of a multi religious albanian identety by outright citing serbian propaganda against slenderbeg who screams islamaphpbia whne some boomers convert to catholicisem ? These people are insane
this is so silly, why even compare us to random middle eastern countries lol?
Religions are thousands,, Albanianism is one in whole humanity..
Feja e shqiptarit është shqiptaria!
“Funded by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society” Ropt jau qifsha.
Leave it to the LGBT and Muslim communities to take offense at everything.
What people also seem to forget to mention here is why is it only Albanians that became muslim…. Because ottomans also ruled over greeks, serbs, bulgarians, armenians, etc.. yet they didn’t become muslim like albanians… I wonder why and still havent really found a decent explanation for it…. If someone has any opinions on this please do share