Hey Leute, werde ich damit in Restaurants verstanden? Ich habe eine schwere Erdnussallergie und eine Erdnuss 🥜 reicht aus, um mich umzubringen. Deshalb möchte ich ganz sicher gehen. Ich werde Albanien ab morgen als Tourist besuchen.

Danke schön!


Von Pleasant-Coconut178


  1. SawFan666555444 on

    Yea, this is the correct translation, I wouldn’t worry tho, because we don’t normally use peanuts in our cooking.

  2. Shadrach451 on

    As a side question… I haven’t noticed peanuts in many Albanian dishes. Are there any traditional dishes that typically contain peanuts or other nuts from the same family? All I can think of is maybe some deserts.

  3. Sardi_Kaido on

    bro carry a Epipen with you all time.
    You wont believe the level of ignorance.
    It can be potentialy DeADly

  4. mostly_harmless666 on

    How many times are you going to post this? I’ve seen you post the exact same thing twice over several months

  5. There may be places that use peanut oil.


  6. FitMud1556 on

    Username doesn’t check out. 🤣 On a serious note, you should seriously consider making your own food. Food allergy is not a major concern among the general population of Albanians because the food intolerance incidence is very low like ~1% compared for example to US where the numbers in the general population are around 11%.  We don’t use a lot of peanuts, except as snacks and some sweets but with your condition you can never be too sure. You might even ask the cook and they may not know the full picture and give you an answer which may threaten your life. There might be places which cook in a peanut free environment but I don’t think I have ever encountered one and I have never met an Albanian who’s allergic to peanuts. They probably exist but it’s likely extremely very rare. Be careful and enjoy your vacation!

    Edit: compared to let’s say Sweden where in every restaurant I was being asked to state my allergies

  7. One_Depth6857 on

    Hi OP. I would add “ medical reasons” to your first sentence and “any peanut containing food product” to your second sentence.

    Would translate to this “ Unë nuk mund të ha asnjë kikirikë për arsye mjeksore. Kikirikët me shkaktojnë reaksion alergjik akut. Kikiriket dhe prodhimet ushqimore me kikirikë janë vdekjepruerse për mua. Faleminderit!”

    English: I cannot eat any peanuts for medical reasons. Peanuts cause me severe allergic reactions. Peanuts and peanut containing foods are deadly to me. Thank you!”

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