Was passiert im Iran, während die Welt auf Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen Israel wartet?



    1. As  the world waits for [Iran](https://www.nbcnews.com/iran-tensions)’s next step abroad, the talk inside the Islamic Republic is not just of what a [retaliatory strike against Israel](https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/israel-braces-for-retaliation-from-iran-after-deadly-weekend-strikes-217027141535) would mean for the [Middle East](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/mideast), but what it would mean for the country’s economy and freedoms.

      NBC News spoke to several residents of Tehran as their leaders [rejected Western calls](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/iran-rejects-pressure-stand-down-israel-retaliation-attack-rcna166340) to refrain from an attack that the United States has indicated could come this week. 

      “I am not the kind of person who agrees with war or attacks at all,” said Omid, an IT specialist. “In this case, Iranian leaders should consider that publicly attacking Israel to showcase military power could have significant economic and political costs for Iran, especially given the current chaotic economic situation,” said Omid, who did not want his last name used out of fear of repercussions for speaking out. 

    2. Psychological-Flow55 on

      Seems like a power struggle between the reformist camp of the new president, the hardliners among the irgc/quds forces, and the in between camp of realists surrounding the ayatollah circle, and even divisions in those camps on the response.

    3. Separate_Swordfish19 on

      They are enjoying the attention. Not really much more complicated than that.

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