Die Ukrainer äußern ihre Wut über die Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung und hoffen auf Frieden nach 1.000 Kriegstagen
In Braun sind die künftigen neuen Teile der Festung und einige neue Gebäude und Wege zu sehen. Eure Meinung? Unterstützt ihr die Idee, alte Burgen und Ruinen zu restaurieren? https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1es6ghx Von Several_Bluebird_344
External_Tangelo on 14.08.2024 5:04 PM They’ve done a shit job on pretty much every castle “restoration” they’ve tried in Georgia. Can’t imagine they’ll do much better here
Ok_Connection7680 on 14.08.2024 6:15 PM Fantastic! Hope it will be good, it will be an awesome place in awesome place. One day Erebuni in Yerevan will also get restored
Alarmed_Will_8661 on 14.08.2024 6:20 PM Of course I support, what is better, showing 3 rocks and saying “here was a castle”?
They’ve done a shit job on pretty much every castle “restoration” they’ve tried in Georgia. Can’t imagine they’ll do much better here
Fantastic! Hope it will be good, it will be an awesome place in awesome place. One day Erebuni in Yerevan will also get restored
Of course I support, what is better, showing 3 rocks and saying “here was a castle”?