Die Polizei könnte gegen J. K. Rowling ermitteln, „wegen falscher Geschlechtsidentität von Transsexuellen“, sagt SNP-Minister


Von Banditofbingofame


  1. Beneficial_Sorbet139 on

    Could they investigate the burglary that occurred at my house a few years ago, where we had clear evidence of who done it?

  2. Agree or disagree with JK doesn’t matter the bigger issues here is can you be prosecuted for something you did before the law changed? 

  3. onlyme4444 on

    How about finding my stolen bike. They said they didn’t have resources to investigate which I said was kinda weird since resources weren’t a problem at the coronation.

  4. Tarmac-Chris on

    I hope they do. Then her lawyers can tear the new law apart before it has time to do any real damage.

    Chances are they’ll more likely go after those without the means to defend themselves.

  5. AdCuckmins on

    If they could catch the junkies that beat up my friend that would be great.

    Took a report, did fuck all, waste of time even reporting the assault.

  6. ferrel_hadley on

    >(5)A group defined by reference to religion is a group of persons defined by reference to—

    >(a)religious belief or lack of religious belief,

    >(b)membership of or adherence to a church or religious organisation,

    >(c)support for the culture or traditions of a church or religious organisation,

    >(d)participation in activities associated with such a culture or such traditions.

    So will saying I think Scientologists are a bunch of crooks pushing obvious hokum be a hate crime now.


    What about the Mormons and their magic hidden golden tablets they found.

    The behaviour of the founders of some religions was often pretty wild. Including one that I shall not name, but you can guess who.

    90% plus of the cases from this law will be about religious and “national” identity. Basically the Old Firm fans being their usual selves and the police and courts having to work out which of their spats constitute hate crimes. But it will end up a total mess and drag in all sort of groups and people who were not meant to be protected or who the framers did not think about.

    SNP’s problem is it get myopic about who the “bad guys” are and assumes you can get them with an easily drafted bit of law that will only apply how you imagine it.

  7. Darkened_Shadow on

    If they could actually go after some real criminals that’d be great, Instead of chasing round after peoples hurt feelings.

  8. so, no one actually read the article,
    “Speaking as the Act came into force on Monday, Ms Brown said: “It could be reported and it could be investigated. Whether or not the police would think it was criminal is up to Police Scotland for that.””

    so, it’s literally up to interpretation.

  9. Anony_mouse202 on

    Given their _allegedly_ limited resources, the police should probably be focusing crime that causes actual harm such as burglaries or assaults or thefts, before they deal with speech “crimes” where the only harm caused is hurt feelings.

  10. OrdinaryWater812 on

    I’m just gonna put this really crazy idea out there. instead of constantly mocking and harassing trans people. Maybe we could just treat them with respect. I know it’s a really wacky goofy idea isn’t it. I’ll go back to the mental institution I escaped from. Sorry for bothering everyone.

  11. X1nfectedoneX on

    Does this only apply in Scotland? If so it’s wierd we have a 2 tier system

  12. bluecheese2040 on

    Feels like speech and thought crimes are worse now than old school crimes like….burglary, assault, theft, etc.

    The police must love them cause they can build 10 cases a day just on twitter.

  13. Hamilton94975 on

    The Government should not shy away from using Section 35 again. The United Kingdom is a free country and the High Court of Parliament is sovereign and should intervene to defend those freedoms ni matter what a rump of extremists in a regional assembly want.

  14. pops789765 on

    Could everyone stop giving her the oxygen of publicity and let her fade into the rich mean old witch she wants to be?

  15. What??? There is a now a law which can prosecute me for calling someone a HE when they want to be a SHE? No way. Genuine question that.

  16. I think a lot of people would much rather the police went out and caught some real criminals than focus on this stuff.

    I’d really like to get some of the stuff from my garage back, especially as I know the license plate of the van that took it…

  17. Europes lack of freedom of speech is so depressing.

    What’s worse is if you ask the average person here they say they’ll agree with freedom of speech militantly and that it’s what separates us from “those” counties on the other side of the world where they have zero freedom – that is until they’re personally offended by what someone says. Then all bets are off.

  18. Northseahound on

    Perhaps if the Police investigated the super corruption of the SNP,the Conservative Party, the National Government, and House of Lords thing in the U.K. might get better instead of farting about with the minority groups like Tran people.
    This is classics divide and conquer talk about the few while the corruption in the establishment runs wild.

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