Gewitter über der Innenstadt von Luxemburg

Von crharrell822


  1. Same here in Echternach, they’ve been going on for the past 20min

  2. Flat_Lavishness3629 on

    I think they’re like ettelbruck up north.

    I’ve never seen anything like that.

  3. We have a complete blackout in Sandweiler at least 15 mins now. Houses/streets, all dark.

  4. Cautious_Use_7442 on

    TBH I don’t remember a thunderstorm where I saw so many lightning strikes in such a sort time frame without also hearing thunder. 

    It’s eerily quiet for a thunderstorm rn

  5. babydavissaves on

    We always called it “heat lightning” when it was a hot summer day, and little threat of “cloud-to-ground”. Refreshing, isn’t it!?

  6. Sharp_Salary_238 on

    It’s actually near where near the centre, it’s up close to Beggan and has most westward

  7. Pandafauste on

    Same here near Mamer, it was weird without the thunder to accompany it.

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