Ich bin aus den USA geflogen, um Taylor auf N1 in Wien zu sehen. Ich bin früh dort angekommen, um das Land zu sehen. Innsbruck, Tirol für Area47 und dann Salzburg. Die letzten beiden Tage in Wien haben wir aufgrund vieler gemischter Gefühle nicht zu Ende verbracht. Aber ich möchte nur sagen … ihr habt das SCHÖNSTE Land. Überall Hunde, die saubersten Straßen, die Radwege mitten im Nirgendwo, die wir vom Zug aus gesehen haben, die besten städtischen Verkehrsmittel, Maisfelder, die entzückenden kleinen Gemeinden mit Gärten und Pflanzen. Ihr seid so gesegnet. Danke, dass ihr mich in eurem Land willkommen geheißen habt, damit ich einen so schönen Teil der Welt sehen konnte. Ich werde wiederkommen! ❤️

Edit: Danke an alle Österreicher für eure Liebe und euren Empfang. Ich habe ein TikTok erstellt, das hoffentlich die Schönheit eures Landes hervorhebt. Obwohl ich von einem bestätigten Terroranschlag auf ein wunderschönes Konzert in einer noch unglaublicheren Stadt schockiert war, möchte ich einfach hervorheben, was euer Land mir in all seiner Pracht gezeigt hat! Prost 💕https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNGWHeeK/

From a Swiftie, thank you, Austria!
byu/idunnoimpiglet inAustria

Von idunnoimpiglet


  1. Sidonietoth on

    I’m glad you enjoyed your stay here, eventough the concert was canceld! Greetings from a fellow swiftie💜❤

  2. goodgirlkills on

    I’m so glad that you made positive memories with Austria. Also hi from a fellow swiftie❤️

  3. Medium-Comfortable on

    Your post is very much appreciated. Instead of whining about spilled milk, you took the opportunity to enjoy what was there. Happy you enjoyed your stay, until next time.

  4. idunnoimpiglet on

    P.S. no one warned me about the wasp! I learned early on to just coexist with them! 😆❤️🐝

  5. eureschuld on

    Saturday night my friend asked “swifties” that were drinking and being loud in a park to keep it down. The us swifties asked her If she is a pale n-word or a Sand n-word who supports Isis.

    Disgusting white trash.

  6. As a non swiftie:

    The last few days Vienna was in a completely different mood!

    As much as I apreciate our grumpiness, it felt so comforting walking through the streets with so many friendly faces!

  7. 32-percent on

    The thing with the concerts mustve been really disappointing but im glad you had a great time anyways!

  8. thank you for your kind words. it is great to hear you had a good time! hope you will come back some day, you seem like a nice person 🙂

  9. ExtendedSpikeProtein on

    Dear Swiftie,

    I like Taylor Swift just fine, but I’m no “Swiftie”. I don’t listen to her regularly, but I like some of her songs, such as “Shake it off!”. What I like most is her unabashed “being a woman” and doing what the fuck she wants, and I think this is what the real “patriarchy” (IS and similar asshole cults) really hate and see as a danger. Because when women so whatever the fuck they want, … well, we can’t have that, can we?

    I read a weekly essay by one of our columnists who used to be editor-in-chief of one of our local boulevard “papers”. The paper sucked and still does, but he writes an amazing weekly column. He said he wasn’t a swiftie and doesn’t understand the phenomenon, but the way everyone came together in the face of what happened, singing songs and making the best of it, was a beautiful and amazing sight. It was inspiring. I fully agree with him.

    Wishing you all the best,
    40s dude living in Vienna.

    PS: though the Viennese can be grumpy, Vienna is absolutely beautiful in the summer (though with climate change, it’s become a bit hotter than it used to be)

  10. onkopirate on

    I really love this movement that formed around Taylor Swift. So much positivity. Glad to hear you enjoyed Austria. Have a great time!

  11. Aschantieis on

    Happy you had an amazing time in Austria. Also for future times, who knows:

    Spritzig means with carbonic acid.
    Mild means very slight carbonised
    Still means without, just normal water.

    Come back again! Greetings from a fellow Swiftie!

  12. Ok_Help_6587 on

    That is so nice to hear and I do have to say I was quite proud of my city and how it handled this insanity of the last weekend. The fact that we opened our museums and so many restaurants and shops offered ways to show solidarity to those who were disappointed by the sad news was so inspiring. I always loved my hometown but as we are known for our grumpiness I was so pleased to see so many welcoming people in the face of this (and I mean that in the best way as I was a part of it as a Swifty myself) loud, passionate, very pink and enthusiastic onslaught of young women from all over the world. I would have expected way more backlash and annoyance, but I only saw compassion and support. Thank you Vienna ☺️

  13. Really glad to hear that you appreciated your stay. We Austrians often forget what we get for high tax rates. A clean, safe and wonderful place with educated people. Additionally we have a beautiful landscape with all seasons. Of course, everything could always be better, in all counties and in all aspects of life. But this country is really a good place to live.

  14. loldiekatz on

    Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed your time here anyway.
    I’m not a Swiftie but I live in Vienna and you guys were so amazing! I really adored how you just kept your thing going with so much love and kindness although I’m sure it was very hard for all of you. I really get that safe space thing regarding your comminity now and think it’s wonderful.

  15. AverageIceteaEnjoyer on

    Good to know you Swifties are happy despite what happend.

  16. InfiniteAd7948 on

    We are all pissed off of this immature terrorist.

    Greetings from a non-swifty

  17. Accomplished_Leg_526 on

    So you don t care about the climate ? Hypocrite as much as the singer, you could have waited till she is back in murica again.

  18. peanut_galleries on

    Very glad to hear you had a good time despite the circumstances <3 I am from Tyrol originally so pleased to hear you liked it! Have a safe trip back and hopefully we can welcome you back sometime ☺️

  19. Aimees-Fab-Feet on

    Isn’t the city beautiful? My daughter who is in her mid 20s has lived there the last couple years and I feel so great with her being there! We’re from Atlanta Georgia so it’s a big change!

  20. Own_Calligrapher_722 on

    Made me feel happy an proud, thanks 🙂

    Greets from Innsbruck

  21. I’m so sorry you didn’t get your concert, but delighted that you got to meet Austria anyway!

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