Elon Musk sagt, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass KI die Menschheit zerstört, bei 20 % liegen könnte – aber wir sollten es trotzdem tun



  1. dogisgodspeltright on

    Submission Statement:

    According to the article, Elon Musk is pretty sure AI is worth the risk, even if there’s a 1-in-5 chance the technology turns against humans.

    However, this view is disputed by AI safety expert, who told Business Insider that Musk is underestimating the risk of potential catastrophe.

    Roman Yampolskiy, an AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville, told Business Insider that Musk is right in saying that AI could be an existential risk for humanity, but “if anything, he is a bit too conservative” in his assessment.

    “Actual p(doom) is much higher in my opinion,” Yamploskiy said, referring to the “probability of doom” or the likelihood that AI takes control of humankind or causes a humanity-ending event, such as creating a novel biological weapon or causing the collapse of society due to a large-scale cyber attack or nuclear war.

    The New York Times called (p)doom “the morbid new statistic that is sweeping Silicon Valley,” with various tech executives cited by the outlet as having estimates ranging from 5 to 50% chance of an AI-driven apocalypse. Yamploskiy places the risk “at 99.999999%.”…….

    Future Related because:

    As AI makes further inroads into daily life of people, it is incumbent to understand and ameliorate the negative fallout that may come to fruition for humanity, at large.

  2. 20% chance AI destroys humanity… 30% chance Musk destroys humanity

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