Gibt es in Lettland wirklich unterschiedliche Auffassungen hinsichtlich der Aussprache von Novembris?

Von worst-case-scenario-


  1. AsarisUnBreksis on

    I don’t think so. Maybe that is because some latvians, that are from russian families can not pronounce the O sound we use in latvian language. Russian language has other sound for the O, so if they have an accent, they will probably use the sound that they know best.
    P.S. I think the best known thing, that divided the latvians was COVID. 😀 Allot of people believed it was just a conspiracy… But then again.. whole world had people like those.

    Another controversial topic amongst latvians is – Are all places outside of Riga considered countryside? Some think that only Riga is a proper city, and all other places are just farmers villages. (That is obviously not true), but allot of people think that.

  2. Yes, in our language “o” gets pronounced like q*ua*lification, but foreign words with an b*o*il sound.

    In case of novembris tomāts and a few others people mispronounce these words with the “ua” sound

  3. Pleasant_Start1771 on

    Yes. When I lived in dorms several years back, my roomate always corrected me.

  4. pocketsfullofpasta on

    Not really. There are people who say n[uo]vembris and people who are wrong.

  5. dildar_the_annoyer on

    Borscht without Smetina is a good enough reason to invade ukraina.

  6. Bananchiks00 on

    The only thing I could think of is novembris and NOvembris kinda hard the explain the emphasis of O.

  7. kristal119022023 on

    Hard o should be correct.

    In Latvian, there are 2 O’s as you said, vowels, and diphthongs – aka 2 vowels together (as in ua). Some letters only appear in foreign words, like f and h, and in most of said words, the towel aka the hard o appears. Novembris, is also foreign, from November, so it should have the vowel o

    Then, yet again, it can be the diphthong o too

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