Ich habe über die Schlacht von Dyrrachium gelesen und in dem Buch stand, dass Caesar und seine Männer „Chara“-Brot aßen, das in Albanien heute noch gegessen wird. Was ist das für ein Brot? (Bonus: einige Karten)



1 Comment

  1. FitMud1556 on

    I found somewhere that the “chara” mentioned there is also called “lapsana” and may be a wild tuber.    

     On another likely unrelated note, I have read many accounts of 16-17-18th century chronicles writing about hired Albanian guards carrying some sort of “semi prepared dough” with them in the trip and bake the bread on the spot when taking a rest. They kept the dough in their pockets/bags. I found this very amusing particularly that Roman soldiers also carried their dough on their pockets/bags too. 


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