Ich habe noch nie ein so schlechtes Logo gesehen wie das der Kastrati-Gruppe oder von Kastrati-Oil, einem großen Ölkonzern.

Was genau bedeutet dieses Logo?

Was bedeutet der Ziegenkopf auf einem Hut und warum sieht dieser so schlecht gezeichnet aus, als wäre er von einem Kind gezeichnet worden? Warum sind zum Beispiel unten nur drei Schnörkel statt vier und vieles mehr.

Was bedeutet dieses Logo und wie ist es zu interpretieren?

Aus Marketingsicht sieht es schrecklich aus.


Von shibored


  1. They’re a wannabe Kastrioti.
    The logo resembles the famous crown of Skanderbeg.

    The drawing style is supposed to resemble some ancient / medieval style of drawing.

  2. FitMud1556 on

    It’s an Albanian cultural/national meme. Even if it had the vague outline of a hat and goat’s head on top it would have been understood by Albanians. The meaning comes from Scanderbeg, but originally from Alexander the Great who unsurprisingly is very often depicted with ram’s horns on his head.



    …meaning is God or God-like.

  3. Anxious_Ant_4379 on

    They use the goat as the Skënderbeu in order to be seen as patriotic and not related to Serbian mafia (which they are)

  4. Low-Bodybuilder8392 on

    The Kastrati tribe is presumably a descendant of Gjergj Kastrioti’s tribe it’s interesting how during the Kosovo war some serbian paramilitary group wanted to kill some people and then a serbian with the surname Kastratovic saved them claiming to be from the same tribe,

    I know that’s off topic but it kinda blew my mind

  5. It‘s true that it looks very low effort. Contrary to their logo design, the Kastrati Group is one of the most influential private companies in the country. They are concession holders of important infrastructure hubs like Tirana Airport.

    I guess at some point you become so powerful that you couldn‘t care less about your logo.

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