Zwei Männer wurden von der Polizei erwischt, als sie versuchten, Artefakte an unsere Nachbarn zu verkaufen

Von arisaurusrex


  1. arisaurusrex on

    I remember some 10 years back, hearing about a report where a mayor got some financial compensation and in turn let some foreign individuals dig at a historic site, some people only managed to take few pictures from a far, since the whole place was locked up for everyone else and what you could see was those guys packing crate after crate in multiple vans and shipping them back to their homecountries.

    This popped back into my head, after hearing about this thing about the two guys. Pse kemi qef me shit historine tone per fqinjet e tona qe nuk i pelqen ekzistimi yne e qe na quajn te huaj??

  2. No_Lie9384 on

    Greket zihen edhe sot e kesaj dite per artifaktet e tyre me Anglezet, ndersa ne i hapim gropen vetes. Pastaj themi pse i vlereson Europa ata me shume se ne.

  3. MataneMaleve on

    Nuk e kuptoj pse nuk flitet me shume ne mediat tona per vitet e rinise se Edi Rames ne Paris si trafikant ikonash ortokoske…

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