Falls Sie nicht wissen, wer Tommy Robinson ist: Er ist der Anführer der English Defence League (EDL). Er ist oft für die Organisation gewalttätiger und rassistischer „Demonstrationen“ in ganz Großbritannien verantwortlich, die sich buchstäblich gegen jeden richten, der nicht Brite ist.

    Er ist außerdem für die rassistischen Unruhen verantwortlich, die derzeit in Großbritannien stattfinden. Die britische Regierung hat einen Haftbefehl gegen ihn erlassen, woraufhin er nach Zypern gekommen ist und nun in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel in Ayia Napa wohnt!

    Hier ist ein Nachrichtenartikel dazu.


    [Edit] Einige Leute haben hier darauf hingewiesen, dass die EDL nicht mehr existiert. Sie scheinen aus irgendeinem Grund, den ich nicht verstehe, darauf erpicht zu sein … Die Wahrheit ist, ob sie nun formal noch existiert oder nicht, dass dieselben Leute hinter der ehemaligen EDL für rassistische Gewalt und Unruhen in Großbritannien sorgen und Tommy Robinson seine 800.000 Follower auf X ermutigt, an diesen rassistischen Protesten in ganz Großbritannien teilzunehmen.

    The racist scumbag Tommy Robinson is in Cyprus!
    byu/zenos1337 incyprus

    Von zenos1337


    1. AmputatorBot on

      It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot).

      Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13707385/tommy-robinson-five-star-hotel-cyprus-foot-soldiers-run-riot-violent-protests-britain.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13707385/tommy-robinson-five-star-hotel-cyprus-foot-soldiers-run-riot-violent-protests-britain.html)**


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    2. Pooknucklemon on

      *The law dodging malaka is staying in a 5 star hotel thanks to the money he solicited out of his idiot supporters.

    3. Raspy_Prophet on

      If you think Tommy Robinson is the problem behind the riots you are in for a surprise. He has reason behind his reasoning, the situation with muslims and migrants in UK has unfortunately gotten out of order and people had enough.

    4. Tommy Robinson is a complete cunt, but he’s not had a warrant issued because of the riots.

      He’s allegedly breached a court order not to repeat lies about a Syrian refugee, and showing a video that was evidence in a court case

      I’ll also point out he was arrested recently for immigration offences in Canada. Given the shit he talks about immigrants I find that hilarious

    5. Chap_in_black on

      You aren’t doing yourself any favours by linking a dailymail article.

    6. Brilliant!! I’ve managed to avoid this idiot in the UK for god knows how many years….I come on me holly bobs to protaras and it turns out the twat is living it up just up the road!

    7. Alberttheslow on

      Cyprus is a melting pot for all kinds of international scum to fornicate in

    8. PitmaticSocialist on

      Yeah its scary my family are terrified of these fascist far right thugs. I do miss Cyprus for this reason 😢

    9. He is not the leader of the English Defence League (EDL). You are spreading false information.

    10. Fatality_Ensues on

      >daily mail

      Idk who this guy is but starting a witch hunt on anyone is questionable and doing that using daily mail as a source to do so is stupid to the extreme.

    11. decolonialcypriot on

      Please report that the hotel is harbouring a fugitive if you can’t get down there and make the man feel a sliver on what he makes every PoC in the UK feel.

    12. GreekSpartan92 on

      There’s nothing with Tommy – from a Cypriot. He is welcome! Defending his country …

    13. JimTheQuick on

      What hotel in Ayia Napa? Cant read through the pictures in the site shared

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