Russland bringt Militärgüter nach Georgien und zieht das Land langsam in den russisch-ukrainischen Krieg hinein

Von tolerant_pie


  1. Intrepid-Bumblebee35 on

    So if Ukraine hit it – Georgia will attack Ukraine? Right?

  2. IKissedHerInnerThigh on

    Wasn’t this planned for a long time, I thought this base was talked about before?

  3. IKissedHerInnerThigh on

    Wasn’t this planned for a long time, I thought this base was talked about before?

  4. ElectricalOrchid3792 on

    NATO needs to step up and provide Ukraine with enough long range weapons, so no russian scum west of the Urals mountain can feel safe.

  5. I feel like this is misleading, even they know we won’t fight on their side

  6. Timely-Opportunity-5 on

    Georgian men have a mission to successfuly demolish the Russian base in Abkhazia. 50 liters of Chacha and a little fentalyn for our Russian Comrades to celebrate this contemporary development of great Abkhazian territory

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