Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, dass Putin bei uns einmarschiert, sagen die baltischen Staaten

Von TheTelegraph


  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Nato must be ready for Russia launching an “existential” war against the Baltic states “masked by a blizzard of disinformation”, ambassadors from the three countries have warned.

    Writing exclusively for The Sunday Telegraph, the top diplomats to the UK from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said that Russia could “pivot quickly” from Ukraine to [invade the Baltic](

    And they said that Vladimir Putin’s brutalisation of Ukraine is evoking the three countries’ “darkest memories” of [occupation under Stalin](

    The Estonian ambassador [Viljar Lubi](, the Latvian ambassador Ivita Burmistre, and Lithuania’s charge d’affaire Lina Zigmantaite, wrote the joint article to mark Friday’s 20 year anniversary of their countries acceding to Nato.

    The ambassadors said that joining the alliance meant that their nations had never enjoyed “stronger collective security” than today, but “nor have we faced a more daunting threat”.

    In a swipe at other European countries who had played down the risk of Russia, they said: “Our warnings about the latent and growing threat from the East were too easily dismissed in some allied capitals.

    “We knew then just as we know today that only a collective defence can guarantee security in Europe. We lacked this in the 1930s and paid a heavy price; one that Ukrainians are paying now.”

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. PinCautious1536 on

    Artur Rehi will hopefully have a video explaining this from an Estonian viewpoint.

  3. Putin cannot pivot to the Baltic quickly

    Not only that, but if Russia touches any of them, it is an immediate article 5, and it’s an automatic WW3

    Which, as we all know, would be over in under a week, with 4b casualties in the year

    Noone wants to rule over rubble, and even if putin does, the command structure of Russia doesn’t

  4. unexpectedemptiness on

    As putin gets more and more demented, he’s definitely more likely to go against NATO. We can only hope that someone up there will disobey if it happens.

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