Aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht ergibt das alles keinen Sinn. Es ist noch nicht einmal eine Woche her, dass die Regierung neue Visa für Drittstaatsangehörige, die im Taxigewerbe arbeiten wollen, verboten hat, und plötzlich steigen die Preise? Die Nachfrage ist gleich geblieben, aber das Angebot ist auf mysteriöse Weise gesunken? Wem wollen sie etwas vormachen? Wenn sie nicht jeden Tag Dutzende neuer Fahrer einstellen, um das Angebot hoch und die Preise niedrig zu halten, ergibt das alles überhaupt keinen Sinn. Ich finde, solche schmutzigen Taktiken sollten bestraft werden. Nicht unbedingt von der Regierung, sondern von ihren Kunden. Es ist offensichtlich, dass all das dazu dient, die Regierung einzuschüchtern und unter Druck zu setzen.
Von maltarocker
Makes sense to me. The prices was way too cheap in general, almost no revenue for the company. Malta is getting more popular so the prices is reflecting by the demand.
How can I search for a local Maltese company garage to use in order to avoid them? Why they don’t organize with an app?
It’s literally peak tourist season
So let me tell you something if you didn’t know. Most of the permits rejected were of individuals who were already working – not renewals btw.
How does it work?
When one applies for a permit, all the relevant departments ie.
i. Identita checks if all documents are valid and if person is here legally.
ii. Pass it on to jobsplus and police – police do their checks okays the application- jobsplus does labor market analysis-testing* and issues an employment license then pass it back to Identita
iii. Identity issues a blue paper / temporary authorization to work whilst ID is being processed however, identita reserves the right not to issue the ID and if it it dosent then the individual is instructed to leave the country or appeal the decision.
Most people had blue papers and already working, some even for months but we know what happened. So for sure the prices will increase coz those drivers are nolonger able to do the job.
Supply is low + demand is high = higher prices + longer waiting times (basic economics), some cab companies who will fail to hire drivers may end up selling their cars which will exacerbate the situation my guess if the gap is not filled then prices will continue to rise and waiting times too.
Even if one feels that they are not affected by this, eventually they will in some way or the other. Transport system here is so shit btw just to say.
Trust me its difficult to find a driver due to the bureaucracy that is needed i.e getting a drivers tag.
My prediction is that in the very near future jobs plus will start issuing parttime employment licenses to try to bridge the gap. This maybe the best way.
This is unfortunately a political gimmick based on the growing frustration of the situation in Malta. Xenophobia is on the rise, check the comments everywhere online. It’s diabolical
The only solution to this problem is metro – this policy is a bandage on gun wound 🤷♂️
lmao making any kind of excuse to raise prices for the sake of profit just like insurance ohh t due to COVID-19 oo it’s due to war in Ukraine oo it’s due to the war in Gaza Madonna excuses excuses and we see record-breaking profits from said company ghal zobbi raising prices, I hope your company burns to the ground and reduce the number of y plate cars that further contribute traffic in Malta. I would rather take my family member or maybe a friend towards a destination for a way smaller fee for petrol or even for free than giving money to this shitty company
A place the size of Malta with that much population density should have a bus system like London or Hong Kong, one bus every 5/7 minutes and no nonsense. Instead one bus every 30 mins and often doesn’t come at all. We wouldn’t need Bolt and Uber then (their business model is completely non-functional anyway as they never make profit, so why pay them?). Shame Malta is stuck in limbo with nothing changing.
Don’t blame bolt. Blame the Maltese partners.
Before there wasn’t any cancellation fee either, now it costs like 3.50 to cancel a cab even when they are late or are too incompetent to even find you
I live in the North and always have to wait 10-15 mins for the car, just checked in the last 2 days almost like in every hour to have a comparison to peak or low times (yes I have plenty of free time) and it was literally the same waiting time like before while the price went up by 50%. And actually no I rarely use cab, twice a month maybe it was just an experiment from my side