
Ich plane im August eine Reise an Ihre Küste (Salacgriva) und würde mich über Ihre Tipps zu den schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten, Unternehmungsmöglichkeiten und Gerichten freuen, die man probieren sollte.

Auch Tipps zu Geheimtipps oder weniger bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten sind uns willkommen!

Sie werden ein Auto haben, daher sind größere Entfernungen kein Problem.

Danke schön!


Von tommyeco


  1. There is an old lighthouse on the beach you could climb – “Ķurmraga bāka” Getting there is a bit tricky, be vigilant where you park (check traffic signs) and you might need to cross a private property to get to the beach from a road quicker (than walking around for public access path)

    Then there is a super well known beach meadow nature walk “Randu Pļavas”.

    If its warm/sunny i would recomend spending few hours in Limbaži Lake. Jumping off the pier brings out your inner child. It’s my favourite swimming place in all of LV.

    There is an old rock jetty originally for trains in Ainaži.

    UPD: i believe “Puikules Purezers” also is in your marked territory. It’a bog lake with 4km board walk around it. You could swim in there (takes similar amount of courage as climbing the lighthouse)

  2. Ainažu mols (breakwater/wavebreaker?) & Veczemju rocks, which you probably already included.
    Since you marked Limbazi as well, i really like Purezers Nature Walk.

  3. Aside from whats mentioned, check Salacas Sarkanās klintis, Skaņais Kalns.
    Right now the lumprey fishing season is open, so you can have a tour on the lumprey fishing thingy. Its the wooden bridge-like structure across the river, north from Salaca bridge. They offer tours, stories and degustation there.
    Visit the Zvejnieku parks, for some pine-covered dune ambience.
    Places to eat- Sirdabkrogs, Kuivižkrogs, Kapteiņu Osta. These will be the best options, in that order.

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