Physician’s Associates qualifizieren sich für Kurse mit Abschlüssen wie Homöopathie und englischer Literatur

Von Bacon_flavoured_rain


  1. Kleptokilla on

    It’s almost like the degree just proves you can learn and then are taught for the job you’re doing

  2. FoxyInTheSnow on

    You can cure lots of ailments (Cancer, congestive heart failure, dropsy… ) with a pinch of Wilfred Owen and a dash of James Fenton, but “doctors” and “scientists” don’t want you to know because they’re all in on it.

  3. Exoplanet-Expat on

    I got down vote into hell when mentioning that they don’t need a real degree to get into this bullshit degree program …

    Also, I believe that if you have a degree in Homeopathy or chiropractic you should be barred from working for NHS for you entire life.

  4. It’d be interesting to see the numbers, because as much as I dislike PA’s, every course I’ve seen requires some kind of degree in life sciences or equivalent experience.

    The article seems to suggest the numbers are low and the applicants had a work history in the NHS, if that’s the case it might not be as awful as it sounds, a degree is great but as a biomed graduate and NHS employee myself I’ve learned 80% of what I know on the job.

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