Oxford-Ruderer beschwert sich über „zu viel Kot im Wasser“ nach der herzzerreißenden Niederlage beim Boat Race gegen Cambridge


Von Organic-Ad6439


  1. BoingBoingBooty on

    Now that some posh people have been affected maybe the government might do something about it.

  2. Honestly what a national disgrace this is…I cannot believe how there is not far more outrage about this situation. 

  3. Ajax_Trees_Again on

    Obviously this shouldn’t happen to anyone. But the fact it’s happening to the institutions that produced the people that caused the mess is not lost on me.

  4. Efficient_Sky5173 on

    In which Cambridge team replied:

    Haha True, we made them “eat shit”!

  5. Professional_Elk_489 on

    Any analysis on why the e-coli messed up the Oxford team so much more than Cambridge?

  6. Hate hearing grown adults calling shit poo, not cool even if he is posh

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