Sorry, dar nu arata de loc pitoresc. Chiar as zice ca e una din cele mai putin pitoresti, nici nu seamana a Chisinau (acela de langa Parcul Central). Sunt strazi mult mai pitoresti in Chisinau.
Cat desre importanta istorica, nu cunosc. Intradevar s-a cam uitat despre istoria everilor din Chisinau.
Ce este interesant, este ca in 1897 aproape jumatate din populatia Chisinaului erau evrei.
> During the nineteenth century, the Jewish population rose from a small percentage to almost half of the city’s inhabitants: in 1847, there were 10,509 (12.2 %); in 1867 the numbers had increased to 18,323 (21.8%); and in 1897 to 50,237 (46.3%). In 1897, 22 percent of all Bessarabian Jews were living in Kishinev, where Jews had come mainly from Ukraine and Belorussia, attracted by economic opportunities.
Din start Chisinaul a fost un oras multi etnic. Cred ca ramane si pana in ziua de azi.
> Kishinev was a multiethnic city where Jews lived next to Russians, Ukrainians, Romanians, Poles, Germans, Armenians, Greeks, and Roma.
1 Comment
Sorry, dar nu arata de loc pitoresc. Chiar as zice ca e una din cele mai putin pitoresti, nici nu seamana a Chisinau (acela de langa Parcul Central). Sunt strazi mult mai pitoresti in Chisinau.
Cat desre importanta istorica, nu cunosc. Intradevar s-a cam uitat despre istoria everilor din Chisinau.
Ce este interesant, este ca in 1897 aproape jumatate din populatia Chisinaului erau evrei.
> During the nineteenth century, the Jewish population rose from a small percentage to almost half of the city’s inhabitants: in 1847, there were 10,509 (12.2 %); in 1867 the numbers had increased to 18,323 (21.8%); and in 1897 to 50,237 (46.3%). In 1897, 22 percent of all Bessarabian Jews were living in Kishinev, where Jews had come mainly from Ukraine and Belorussia, attracted by economic opportunities.
Din start Chisinaul a fost un oras multi etnic. Cred ca ramane si pana in ziua de azi.
> Kishinev was a multiethnic city where Jews lived next to Russians, Ukrainians, Romanians, Poles, Germans, Armenians, Greeks, and Roma.