Hallo zusammen – ich reise in ein paar Wochen in Ihr schönes Land und erst kürzlich konnte meine Mutter den Namen der Stadt herausfinden, aus der mein Großvater stammte. Tatsächlich wurden zwei verschiedene Orte erwähnt:

Aus einigen alten Tagebuchnotizen geht hervor, dass Reindig erwähnt wird und dass es in der Nähe von Wien lag. Allerdings erhalte ich bei der Suche nach Reindig keine Ergebnisse.

Auf ihrem Antrag auf Verstaatlichung für die USA wird Aikaradeck Austria Etuechary erwähnt. Leider bekomme ich auch hierzu keine Ergebnisse.

Meine Frage ist: heißen diese Städte jetzt anders? Wenn möglich, würde ich sie gerne durchqueren.

EDIT – habe gerade einen Screenshot seiner Einwanderungspapiere bekommen! Oder eher von denen seines Vaters. Es sieht so aus, als wäre sein Vater am 8. Oktober 1875 geboren.


Grandfather’s home town renamed?
byu/opesorrygeeze inAustria

Von opesorrygeeze


  1. Reindig could be spelled wrongly, the second one is for sure no town or village in Austria

  2. Maybe you missed some letters in the names in the documents…

    You could upload photos of the relevant words / documents, so we can check.

  3. Are these handwritten notes and applications? Can it be that you do not read them right?

  4. Dont_Get_Jokes-jpeg on

    We need to get the streamer geschriebene Geschichte on that, if you can provide the original document
    (He specializes in reading old german texts and understanding that stuff)

  5. You would have to scan and upload these notes, otherwise it’s hard to tell.

    Reindig reminds me a bit of “Raiding”, which is a town somewhat close to Vienna in what is now Burgenland, birthplace of Franz Liszt. It also reminds me of “Reindlg.” which was and still is a street in Vienna.

  6. LizLizLiz999 on

    I looked at Google Maps and there is “Sitzenberg-Reidling” in Lower Austria not too far from Vienna. Search for “3454 Reidling”

  7. unseen_redditor on

    Just to add to what the others have said already, -ing is a very common suffix for names of towns in (eastern) Austria and seems more likely than -ig, so probably you’re looking for a name akin to Reinding rather than Reindig.

  8. Are you sure he was from Austria?

    There is a small village *Aich* (part of the *Peiting* municipality) in Bavaria that’s near the *Lech* river.

    *Aich am Lech* (maybe transcribed wrongly) near *Peiting* maybe. In certain dialects it could be spoken *Aich on an Lech*.

  9. CloudBitter_2902 on

    If you tell the name of your grandfather´s father, it can be easily checked out in the birth books via matricula, if he really was from Reindling.
    For the second name “Aikaradeck” or “Etuechary” – this is most probably no place in German speaking countries. At first I thought this might be the ship he went to the USA.

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