1. people are just waking up to the truth: faith is losing its grip in a rapidly changing world

  2. Goofies_321 on

    Albania was never represented by any religion, but by our culture instead.

  3. Ghost_Protocol147 on

    Great news, next step is not a religious majority country.

  4. Ok-Championship1179 on

    I’ve said it a million times but people identify with a specific religion because they “inherit” it from their family. In my life I might have seen only a real muslim while the rest never prays, never read the quaran, never avoided pork or alcohol and never even knew anything about islam in the first place and yet they declare themselves as muslims. Censuses do not represent anything real and the attitude to something as abstract as religion and faith cannot be quantified.

  5. Exactly the same!

    The only difference is that maybe Albanians influenced by western Islamophobia might stop feeling so fucking inferior for no reason

  6. AllMightAb on

    The positive side of this is that ignorant westerners will stop calling Albania “a muslim country”

  7. RomanceStudies on

    I think this isn’t true. It’s still a “Muslim” majority country if you look at the stats of who the largest group still is, and also considering how many people didn’t respond but who are likely (a non-practicing) Muslim.

  8. Well in fact Albania still is muslim Majority:
    Muslim Sunni: 45:7%
    Muslim Bektashi: 4,8%

    We also have an 15.7% of people wich not answered the question(undeclared) from this 15.7% we can probably take another 7-8% of muslims making Albania still something like 55-60% muslim.

  9. Moonrocksxxo on

    Never been, never was. One of the best things about Albania. The less religion we have in the world, the better!

  10. loggedinwithgoogl3 on

    E pavertete, rreth 55-60% jane myslimane, suni dhe bektashi.

  11. Equivalent_Ad7181 on

    That’s because of mass migration. And they all moved obviously to Christian countries because well .. Europe it’s Christian continent and they wanted the parents wanted for they children to be part of the country’s community so they all get baptized and staff

  12. Te njejtet persona qe thoshnin “feja eshte personale” jane ata qe tani pas censusit nuk e kaperdin dot qe feja islame nuk eshte me mazhorance. Pse perpiqeni ta prezantoni Shqiperine akoma si myslimane kur vetem te keqija na ka sjell historikisht si komb? Te gjithe e dime shume mire qe as ai 45% nuk eshte i vertet sepse shumica nuk jane praktikant e skane lidhje me fene por thjesht e trashegojne. Sa me shume te kaloj koha aq me shume do ndergjegjesohen njerzit.

  13. After living in Albania for 10 years as a Muslim (Not Albanian), I can say that Albania was never a muslim country. Muslims in Albania would celebrate Christian holidays without the knowledge of those holidays were actually prohibited to celebrate. Statistically speaking the majority could have been Muslim but nothing changed in reality. Muslims were not living as muslim people would in the first place.

  14. PoetOfTragedy on

    As a Muslim Albanian this is kinda sad that my people are dying out 🙁

  15. You can be a muslim or Christian and Albanian at the same time . There should not be a conflict between both. Just two remarks- The communism has impacted the faith of everyone. Also, the article states that there is big immigration ot of Albania due to the economical hardship.

  16. Roundbutcute on

    Albania is not actually a tolerant country like we proclaim. If you’re Muslim you can’t actually practice anything otherwise you are shamed and ridiculed. How is that tolerant lol?

  17. Ticklishchap on

    Why is Bektashi counted separately from Muslim? I thought that the Bektashis practise an esoteric or mystical form of Islam.

  18. ThunderCanyon on

    If it’s because people are more Christian: based. If it’s because people are more atheist: cringe

  19. Valerie_07 on

    It’s weird because in the UK i’ve honestly never met a non strict muslim Albanian 😂 they all act very religious! I wonder if it’s because they want to fit in with other cultures in the UK? but seriously i’ve met some muslim albanians over there and they really take it SO seriously it’s strange

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