Wie eine mit der Situation vertraute Quelle Iran International mitteilte, haben der Iran und Armenien einen großen Waffendeal im Wert von 500 Millionen Dollar unterzeichnet. Dieser Schritt könnte Aserbaidschan verärgern, da Teheran Jerewan mit seinen berüchtigten Selbstmorddrohnen beliefert.


Von datashrimp29


  1. datashrimp29 on

    * Iran and Armenia signed a secret $500 million arms deal, including drones and air defense systems.
    * This deal could anger Azerbaijan and involves intelligence cooperation and military relations.
    * Armenia’s defense budget has significantly increased, but funding sources for this deal are unclear.
    * Iran aims to stay relevant in the Caucasus amid Armenia’s shifting alliances.
    * Experts believe the deal might affect Iran-Azerbaijan relations and involve indirect support to Russia.

  2. this is good news

    Iran is a country known for its shitty quality weapons, so much so that even its own ships have been sunk without enemy attack. If we take into account that their air defense systems also shoot down passenger planes, this is great news, it will bring disaster to Armenia and Azerbaijan will get nato quality weapons produced by Israel and Turkey.

  3. Inevitable_4791 on

    No way they buy 500 million worth of iranian weapons. Would be easy PR and an easy dunk for Ilham.

  4. Seen the full list of military armament. Air defense systems are fine but kamikaze drones are MAJOR concern in this deal.

  5. sevdabeast on

    Since when did Armenia even have drones?? If they did, they wouldve used it in 2020

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