Die Großmutter der 8-jährigen Veronika kniet über der Grube, die früher ein Haus war. Ihre Enkelin und ihr Sohn wurden bei einem russischen Luftangriff getötet und mussten mittels DNA identifiziert werden


Von Lysychka-


  1. Eight-year-old Veronika and her father Borys were killed as a result of the rocket shelling of Zaporizhzhia on March 22nd. Their family’s house was completely destroyed. Veronika’s mom and grandmother were not at home during the missile attack. Fragments of the child’s and the man’s bodies were removed from the rubble and identified by DNA.

    The brother and the uncle of the killed, Oleksandr, shared “I heard the explosion… I didn’t even understand yet… My window ‘looks out’ onto my brother’s house… And I look out the window — there’s no house. Do you understand? Nothing at all… Just nothing… Zero… No fence, no house, no sheds — nothing…”

    “I started digging. I was already thinking: well, maybe, somewhere there, in the pit, something is there. But then I realized: it’s over…”

    Now his family is him, his mother, and the widow of his brother.

    “I’m thinking about them now and I have no time to cry. You understand? No time… None…”

    “I helped Veronika with her homework… War is war, but a child needs to be educated, needs to be fed”

    In June 2021, Oleksandr lost his wife to cancer. He is currently fighting illness as well. For him, his niece was a motivation for his recovery.



  2. These are all incredible tragedies. There are no words left to describe the Russian terrorist scum. Hopefully the Russian Federation will collapse because of this war and we will bring some of the murderers and war criminals to justice.

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