Ich gehe zu einem Konzert einer Post-Punk-Band, die ich liebe, aber nicht diese großartige Sprache spreche, aber ich möchte mindestens EINEN Song mitsingen können. Kann mir jemand helfen, das Lied phonetisch Zeile für Zeile zusammen mit dem Rhythmus zu lernen? Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass ich die richtige Aussprache bekomme. Das Lied ist Usio Roŭna von Nürnberg. Text im Foto und Lied hier: https://youtu.be/aU8_kLrTHqs?si=kp0422vnb_bdxurG Vielen Dank im Voraus
Von serialkillerraves
Do you know how to read Cyrillic? Do you know how to read Belarusian Cyrillic?
Nürnberg… Nice.
Hi! I hope this helps!
I’ve marked the stressed vowels.
Nie marn**u**j –
Zabiv**a**j svoj čas
Jak**i** h**e**tak ch**u**tka
Nazaŭsi**o**dy zabj**e** nas
My hladzi**e**li ŭ ci**e**mru –
My šuk**a**li śviatł**o**
Nam usi**o** r**o**ŭna ŭžo!
Nam usi**o** r**o**ŭna ŭžo!
č – tsh
h – voiced h/сh, somewhat similar to german R but w/o thrill
ch – h
y – [ɨ] like pronouncing a “u” and an “i” at the same time, tongue high and central.
ǔ – w
c – ts
š – sh
ž – zh
l – soft l
ł – hard/dark l
ś – [sʲ]
sio – [sʲo]
via – [vʲa]
cie – [t͡sʲe]
With [consonant] + i + [vowel] or ´ the consonant gets palatalised/softened
For an English speaker it should sound something like this:
nye marr-NOOY
zar-beer-WHY svoy CHARS
ya-KEE khe-tark KHOOT-car
nar-zarw-SUR-de zer-BUE nars
me khlar-TELL-ee w-TEAM-roo
me SHEW-khal-ee shwat-LOW
narm w-SUR-aw-nah w-JOE
Of course, this is a completely incorrect pronunciation, but it will roughly resemble what the song sounds like. I hope this helps.
By the way, I am delighted that someone wants to sing their songs and is ready to ask about pronunciation in the Belarusian language for this! They are little known in their homeland of Belarus, but I heard that for some reason they are very popular in Latin America