Von Minute_Beautiful2100


  1. Minute_Beautiful2100 on

    I love sheep and goats, dogs and horses, I love animals and farm life in general. As a teenager I had sheep myself, merinos, Pomeranians and Skudde. I find sheep farming in the Balkan countries interesting; they have old sheep breeds.

  2. crossfire_hurricanes on

    I don’t know bro, everything is dying out over here to be honest. They had to bring back the donkeys and [BuÅ¡a](Å¡a) cow with EU IPARD founds because they substituted them with high-milk European breeds. When I was young I wanted to go to Croatia, away from my crazy family. They were giving thousands of euros even back then for shepherds. My grandpa was professor of agronomy and he was taking me to the stalls in he’s school and I was reading the books he wrote. They are still studying from them.

  3. Suitable_Brilliant80 on

    It’s actually dumb that fetta costs more here than Australia.

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