Meine Freundin möchte die Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen, kann aber kein Lettisch lesen. Kann jemand die Formulare bitte ins Englische übersetzen?

Von lasingparuparo


  1. lasingparuparo on

    Google translate doesn’t have Latvian as an option unfortunately.

    Thank you!

  2. This-isnt-you on

    Trying to get Latvian citizenship without knowing the language? Good luck with that

  3. Nah bro, if you don’t know Latvian or how to use google translate you won’t get help

  4. Use Google lens. You’re not supposed to get citizenship without knowing basic Latvian anyway precisely because a citizen needs ability to complete basic interactions with state such as filling forms. Like when you go in person to get a passport or something are you going to wait while someone on Reddit feels like translating extensive forms for you? 

  5. Hour_Culture1264 on

    We can translate it for her but how is she going to write answers in latvian if she cant even read the form?

  6. lasingparuparo on

    Thanks everyone! Someone DM’ed me and gave me the help my friend needed!

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