Top-EU-Exporteure von Schokolade und Schokoriegeln in Extra-EU-Länder im Jahr 2023

Von drevny_kocur


  1. GladForChokolade on

    I’m glad Denmark isn’t in top of the list. I see no reason to export chocolate when you like it yourself.

  2. IroniKnight on

    Surprised by this rating. I didn’t think Poland exported so much chocolate

  3. YogurtRude3663 on

    I remember in communism there was no chocolate in Poland. Only what was called chocolatish products. How times have changed.

  4. weird_is_good on

    Poland exports its chocolate because it’s so bad. Then they import German and Swiss chocolate to eat (yeah I know some people buy ewedel/wawel etc but that’s because it’s cheaper than Milka,Ferrero and Lindt

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