Weiß jemand, wie hoch die Geldstrafe für Wasserverschwendung ist?
Einmal sagen sie, es seien über 500 EUR und 3 Monate Gefängnis, das andere Mal seien es 50 EUR. Das ist wirklich verwirrend.
Von Flat_Bluebird8081
Pick your golden middle, re – 225 and 1,5month jail holidays!)
But there’s no ban on wasting water for swimming pools? (An absolute necessity!) lol, this country is a joke.
Take a bucket, drive near the beach and wash your car with sea water. Problem solved.
My neighbor will continue hosing her driveway every morning with water because she says it keeps away snakes.
Does anyone know if using a pressure washer on a car is legal? It saves a lot of water when used to wash cars, and I wash my own car.(If it’s illegal, I will use a car wash.)