5:40 EET; Am 765. Tag der groß angelegten Invasion geht die Sonne über Kiew auf. Der Wiederaufbau der Großen Synagoge in Ostroh, erbaut im frühen 17. Jahrhundert.


Von Ukrainer_UA

1 Comment

  1. Ukrainer_UA on

    Sadly, **Hryhorii Arshynov** passed away due to Covid-19 in 2020, in Ostroh. He was laid to rest at a local Jewish cemetery that he himself had preserved. The reconstruction continues, inspired by his vision.

    *Alti Rodal, Co-Director of Ukrainian Jewish Encounter organization: “Pain and grieving on the loss from COVID-19 of our dear friend, Hryhorii Arshynov. He was a civil engineer by profession, a bass player in a local Ostroh band, a promoter of annual chess tournaments in memory of his teacher and father, who mentored an entire generation of Ukrainian chess players. Hryhorii devoted much effort to restoring Ukraine’s Jewish heritage and fostering Ukrainian-Jewish solidarity in Ukraine.”*

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