KVS-Direktor im Konflikt mit Vlaams Belanger: „Er hätte nie im Vorstand sein dürfen“


Von Boomtown_Rat


  1. Boomtown_Rat on

    >When the Vlaams Belang member of parliament came on board the KVS board last year, concern quickly arose within the ranks of the city theater. “This man is homophobic and xenophobic. He is not very friendly to Brussels. Everything he says is at odds with what we stand for as a culture house,” De Cock said at the time.

    >Artists from the KVS joined in. “We are not concerned with that one person, but with the ideas of a party that divides instead of connecting and is in everything at odds with what we stand for and fight for,” said a press release signed by 36 artists.

    >Today, De Cock says that the concerns surrounding Brusselmans’ arrival at the time were clearly well-founded. “He abuses his role as a board member to spread lies. He is in internal opposition and has so far shown little interest. Maybe he should come and see a performance?”

  2. GentGorilla on

    Lol, just have a look at De Cock’s twitter timeline. The dude foams at the mouth for everything regarding NVA or VB. I know a guy who knows De Cock quite well professionally and he’s a typical culturo who assumes his subsidies are to be granted to him without any comments or oversight, and anyone who thinks differently is a literal nazi.

    Him not working well with a VB-er? Quelle surprise.

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