Die Ukraine und Moldawien sind als Beitrittskandidaten in die EU-Erweiterungsagenda eingetreten. Was würde mit Aserbaidschan geschehen, wenn Georgien und Armenien denselben Status bekämen?


Von Vali1995


  1. Weak-Address-386 on

    What should happen to Azerbaijan? Aliyev clan will continue to rule

  2. Our notorious dictator Aliyev already stated that we don’t belong to EU and Azerbaijan’s place is among it’s corrupt turkic brothers, russia and belarus.

  3. Whats the benefit to EU if Georgia and Armenia join EU ? In EU shouldn’t rich countries help poor ones, so if they join, isnt it just another mouse to feed and expensive for them to help 2 more countries?

  4. Azerbaijan will never be a member of EU just like Turkey. EU members would keep playing good police bad police game and will always find a reason to stop Azerbaijan’s membership. That will be a huge range of things starting from relations with Armenia to environmental things, border security, human rights and so on… After the acceptance of Armenia to the EU probability of acceptance of Azerbaijan would be equal to 0. But Azerbaijan would be gladly accepted to the customs union if it wasnot yet.

  5. I think it’s not going to happen in the next decade (s) sadly. Georgia will be a small Russia soon and Armenia still has a very narrow chance to get anything, Azerbaijan just no.

  6. Having a direct border with the EU could be a real plus for the Azerbaijani people. The more the EU is involved in the region, the better the chances for Azerbaijan to move towards democracy.

  7. FarOutcome9035 on

    Rusiya şimal qonşumuz olduğu müddətcə Gürcüstanla Ermənistanın belə bir addım atmağı çətindi. Doğrusu, Gürcüstan bu barədə biraz daha irəlidədi. Ermənistanın daha vacib problemləri var. Amma Aİ ilə sərhəd qonşusu olmanın nəticələrini yaşayıb görəcəyik. Amma böyük yeniliklər gözləməyin hakimiyyət dəyişmədikcə.

  8. pso_j318-5-22 on

    No, please. The EU is not a good thing for us. We are not ready for the EU, and we do not really need the EU. Also we need to understand one simple thing: Europeans will never see us as one of their own. We are different. Our values, religion, appearance, language, and culture—everything is different. Being part of the EU will kill our independence, and our economy will be highly dependent on the EU. The white man will dictate to us what to do and what not to do.

    Our first and very important problem is monopoly. In our country, everything is monopolized. Our ministers are sitting on their fat, stupid a@#es and doing nothing for our nation, and our stupid nation is licking their feet. We must understand that Aliyev is not the main problem for us; the small ministers, Milli Meclis, stupid TV shows, and our rotten mentality, where we are happy to break every possible rule by giving bribes and dreaming of high positions where we can receive bribes too—these are the real issues.

    We want to be part of the EU when in our country, “European Values” are understood as opening our bodies, but in reality, European Values are freedom, knowledge, science, politeness, a trusted society, transparency, and much more. On an individual basis, they are a hundred times better than us, and maybe because of that they are still not ruined by their own system. Because the EU will come with LGBT in schools, refugees on the streets, new rules in the economy, weak military, and the twisted woke politics. In the South Caucasus, we do not need this. We need to create our own system where people are getting a good education (not only in Baku), where healthcare is accessible for everyone, where people are spending their time not sitting in malls but doing sports (hiking, running, riding bicycles, etc.), where people have a different mentality and a good, balanced work and private life. These are the things that we need, and we can do this without the EU too.

  9. Comfortable-Cry8165 on

    None of them will join the EU. They all have territorial problems. Cyprus wasn’t a precedent, that was one exception.

    On top of that, EU members don’t have an appetite for another expansion. For example, most of the members don’t want to grant a veto right to anyone anymore. Bulgaria and Romania haven’t been granted Schengen. Hungary and countries that have colliding industries with Ukraine and others straight up don’t want them in either. And a fraction is going on EU East and EU West. Russian invasion united them for now tho.

    Unless EU is reformed none gets in

  10. wannabe_kinkg on

    Definition of EU is White Christian Europeans.
    which one is AZE?

  11. murad_the_comrade95 on

    Nothing. Azerbaijan is on the way of becoming the next Turkmenistan. Day by day, the difference with Turkmenistan is getting less, but with Europe is getting more. Even government openly says the impossibility of joining the EU. If you still have hopes in that regard, sorry, you are truly delusional.

  12. Biz ve Siz dışarıda kalacağız, öyle gözüküyor. 🇦🇿🇹🇷

  13. elgun_mashanov on

    I wish we had the chance, we would at least see a better future economically and socially.uhh..

  14. amigdala80 on

    They dont even accept Montenegro or Macedonia or Kosovo or Bosnia … They dont want enlargment … This is period

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