Das hat mir der Sicherheitsmann heute gesagt, als ich sagte, ich wolle hineingehen und mir die Yachten ansehen.

Er erzählte mir auch, dass der Grund für die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen von den Yachtbesitzern erfragt wurde, damit die einfachen Bauern nicht dorthin gehen und Fotos mit den Namen der Yachten machen, weil anscheinend viele Kriminelle und Geldwäscher ihre Yachten hierher bringen 🤷‍♂️

Was halten Sie davon?


Von Curiousredditor00


  1. If you build things for rich people, you will find eventually they become only for them. 

  2. skiddadle400 on

    Yeah, a pretty unfriendly marina.

    But honestly the boats are not worth the faff

  3. there were occurrences where people were getting on the yachts causing minor damages, sometimes even leaving their rubbish on them. i think renting a secured place to park your yacht guarranteens that your property is safe but doing so costs a lot of money.

  4. I will try to be civil despite this conversation being extremely ignorant. Firstly there are intentional standard for shipping to protect crew and assets that ports and marinas follow. This is all under port security, which you can look up, all major ports and marinas have security it’s not just Cyprus. Secondly if you had a yacht would you want any stranger walking past with access to your asset? Would you be happy with a stranger loitering outside you house? Granted you might not have ill intent but the next person might throw a cigarette and then your yacht is gone. Stop hating on people who have more wealth than you and go live your life.

  5. Dangerous-Dad on

    Some years ago, before security on the larger marinas became what it is now, people would walk around, look, take photos and mostly things were good.
    Then two things happened;
    1) Cyprus got into a lot of headlines, repeatedly, in connection with major drug cartels using Cypriot businesses to launder money and using the yachts to physically move tens and hundreds of millions of US$ of cash.
    2) People living close to the marina started to notice which boats were always empty and which showed signs of being used or actively maintained. And they started to throw parties on the ones that looked unattended. You know, because it makes for amazing IG photos. One day that back-fired very spectacularly and some local boys got their asses firmly handed to them and were forced to eat a knuckle-sandwich or two.

  6. Less about taking photos and more about keeping them safe from vandalism or people trying to sneak an IG pic on a yacht. Maintenance and cleanup costs a lot more than a gate, specially when drunk tourists trash a boat. Also the marina itself is privately owned so its the equivalent of walking into someone’s garage.

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