Ich sage nicht, dass wir friedlichere Menschen sind, aber Sie wissen sicher, wovon Sie sprechen.


Von PsychoBodyguard


  1. BackgroundPomelo1842 on

    To be fair we did have a terrorist attack last September, though not of the kind the article is insinuating.

  2. Shum sene skem po Inteligjencen kunder ktyne senev e kem super mi rroft bolet kush e ka shenu kta

  3. WorldClassChef on

    If by terrorists you mean servs, then absolutely there’s a chance, as we can observe from last year

  4. Remarkable-Table6231 on

    Ndonese e pamerituar per Kosoven vlen te ceket se te gjitha shtetet e europes perendimore e kane te njejtin paralajmerim sa i perket terrorizmit keshtu qe si duket as ne nuk paskemi perjashtim ketu edhe pse gjasat jane shume te vogla qe te ndodh nje sulm i tille si ne shtetet e medha ku ka shume popullsi.

  5. A në Google po bazohesh a?!
    Google e ka Open Source burimin e të dhënave, aty njerëz si Linda Morina ka plotë që shkruajnë të dhëna të rrejshme, kështu që mos u nervozo aspak!

  6. KopeMaxxer on

    Who cares, the less people flood it the better it is. Albanians care too much about public opinion and fall into pathetic state of seeking validation. Focus on improving existential conditions and demographics than whatever propaganda or opinions others have. It’s sad to see us fall into this mental state when we literally have everything you need. Take a look at Saudis for example, do they give a shit what others think of their country? NO, they get busy and live like kings. Fuck off with this pathetic mentality of seeking validation

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