Der Bevölkerungszuwachs in Kanada erreicht einen Rekordwert, aber es steht ein langsameres Wachstum bevor


  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    Over a span of two years, Canada grew by 2,321,982 people, approximately 6% [with a 3.2% increase after 2.7% in 2022.]( The US has [only grown 6% since 2013](,_1935%E2%80%932023).


    Most of the growth in Canada is attributed to “temporary” residents, but there were 471,771 individuals who became permanent immigrants. By comparison, the United States, nine times larger than Canada, [granted permanent resident status to 1 million immigrants.]( [Canada had 271,867 permanent immigrants in 2015.]( And this was up from the ~200k or below in the 90s.


    The country experienced a [notable increase in migration beginning in 2016, which continued to rise until the COVID-19 pandemic, after which it surged dramatically.]( This idiotic surge has not brought wealth to Canada, as our [GDP per capita remains at levels similar to those around 2015](, the year Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister.

  2. The usa figures are also on the low end not mentioning the amount of undocumented immigrants.

  3. MoralHighgroundHaver on

    How about degrowth, where we deport all the frauds, scammers, tfws, and half the international students

  4. Artist_Weary on

    Thank god all the immigrants came here to work at Tim’s/subway whatever would we Canadians do without them

  5. Jealous_Chipmunk on

    Unfortunately all our population growth has been low-skill workers too. And when I say low skill, I’m not talking about construction workers as some may think. No, we’ve imported cheap low to no skill franchise labour in the form of immigrants trying to simply leave their worse-off lives, so we can’t blame them looking for something better where even dumpster fire Canada is a golden ticket to a better life for them. It’s our leaders and wealthy 1% that has caused this, so be sure to point your frustrations in that direction.

    What I worry about and personally makes me believe Canada is just plain done is that with all these low-skill labourers coming in to make a handful of corrupt rich people some short term gains, what happens when Artificial Intelligence + Robotics is finally at a point where we truly don’t need these low-skill labourers? Like at some point there will be a good enough RoI on AI/Robotics where even low wage slaves aren’t worth it. Are we going to be left with over half our population, which will probably be 100% recent immigrants by then, to all need welfare/handouts to survive at all? These rich people aren’t going to let themselves be taxed to pay for all that? Like what happens? We’re literally just walking casually off a cliff as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Trick-Ad-844 on

    This is just insanity at this point. Not good for Canadians or the ppl moving here. They are gonna turn us into a developing country soon enough.

  7. GoldenSlumberJack on

    I’m predicting that when summer hits, and students start looking for work, that when a lot of people are going to *really* notice how hard it is to find a min wage job now

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