Was ist Ihre Meinung hierzu, meine griechischen Zyprioten?


Aus dem Artikel: "Das heutige Nordmazedonien, das in den 1990er Jahren aus dem Zerfall Jugoslawiens hervorging, hat keine wirkliche Verbindung zu Alexander dem Großen, der vor 2.000 Jahren im Gebiet des heutigen Griechenlands lebte.."


Von christoforosl08


  1. Savings_Wolverine545 on

    Scriptures and historical documents are clear on the cultural background of Alexander… He is greek nothing to do with slavs…. Slavs used to be slaves back then… No barbarian was accepted as greek so he could not have been anything other than greek same thing goes for macedonia the region would not have been included in the greek consortium unless they were greeks… Geographically doesn’t really matter… Everything changes going forward but it is better to keep the past factual…

  2. Pooknucklemon on

    We could hold a seance and ask this famous person how he identifies himself in this way or maintain the notion that a country owns a person.

  3. Automatic-Software35 on

    He was born into a Greek kingdom that was in Macedonia, so he’s Greek. The landscape of Macedonia was not the same as it was in ancient times. It was literally a kingdom of Greece…so like he’s Greek.

  4. Slavs claiming Alexander as one of them is like white Americans claiming Cherokee, Apache, Sioux etc ancestry

  5. I don’t get how it came to be but whenever I open facebook I ALWAYS get one of these “historical” pages’ posts recommended to me that mentions Alexander the Great with a ton of mentally deluded skopjans commenting on it. BUT what surprised me was that apparently not only skopjans but now even the albanians claim that Alexander was not Greek but apparently an albanian or “illyrian” as they claim.

    *μάθαν ότι γαμιόμαστε, πλακώσανε κι οι γύφτοι*

  6. Why is this even being entertained in any way whatsoever lol the people of modern day North Macedonia are basically Bulgarian ffs lmao they have nothing to do with Alexander the great.

  7. The Prespes Agreement confirmed what almost everyone accepted. This is a non-issue

  8. MiltiadisCY on

    What a silly thing to claim. Ancient Macedonia was a kingdom of ancient Greece. They were of the hellenic peninsula. Alexander conquered lands from his ancient Macedonia all the way to modern Egypt to parts of modern India. Greece would be the people to have claim over his legacy since his origin was hellenic but that wouldn’t stop hellenic Egyptians to also claim origin. Asia Minor Greeks and even people from the conquered Persian regions can claim him as their once King. Now some Slavic nation trying to say he was one of theirs, I would say no.

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