Hallo, ich habe eine konkrete Frage, falls mir jemand helfen kann. Ich reise von den USA über Frankfurt nach Malta. Ich habe vor, meinen Hund mitzunehmen, der einen EU-Pass mit seinen Impfungen usw. hat. Weiß jemand, ob ich das Gesundheitszeugnis für Haustiere trotzdem brauche? Ich füge Screenshots aus zwei verschiedenen Quellen an, weil ich verwirrt bin 😅 Vielen Dank im Voraus!


Von Due_Market_4446


  1. drfluttershy on

    Follow the requirements in the 1st image as they are for pets with a VALID (unexpired) EU Pet Passport. The 2nd image looks like it’s for any pet traveling to the EU.

  2. Exact_Consequence_91 on

    I brought my cat from Germany here in 2019.
    I cant remember if i needed a specific health certificate but i was required to see a vet max 3 days before the flight. He either gave me a certificate or wrote something in the passport – i cant remember exactly.

    But i was required to register the arrival of my pet online (i think it was at least 2 weeks prior to my arrival).
    When i arrived in malta veterinarians (?) met me at the airport and checked the pet passport for all vaccines.
    If you dont register it, your pet might need to spend time in quarantine.

    The mail from the registration approval was „petstravel.msdec@gov.mt“. (Of course i dont know if its still the same mail).
    But you should ask them for requirements. Also ask the airline since they might have additional requirements.
    And make sure you do it for both countries. Germany and Malta.

  3. Turboturbulence on

    Get the certificate! I flew in with a valid EU pet passport, and had to have the certificate + the reqs from the second image. Like another commenter said, there was a tight timeline between departure and last vet visit too.

    No one checked for any of this in Malta (lol, they even had me set up a vet appointment at the airport but no one showed up), but it was all verified at the US airport before departure and during my layover in Portugal. With great scrutiny.

    Getting all this ready is a PIA, but I wouldn’t recommend you risk it.

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