Politico: Weißrussland lieferte Waffen an Aserbaidschan und verriet damit Armenien


Von KI_official


  1. datashrimp29 on

    >Belarus delivered advanced weapons to Azerbaijan for years, despite being in a Russia-led security alliance with Armenia, Politico reported on June 13, citing a cache of leaked documents.  

    Has the author been sleeping before Pashinyan had a beef with Lukashenko? Anyone with any knowledge on this topic knows that Azerbaijan has been buying weapons from Belarus for ages. Once even Azerbaijan did not want to pay for the Polonez launchers and Lukashenko was begging Aliyev to pay.

  2. NotSamuraiJosh26_2 on

    I’m not saying it’s impossible but hasn’t politico been debunked a few times for its bullshit ?

    I’m not talking about this specific news just wondering why it’s still considered a relevant source

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